TB care in Ghana has faced a lot of challenges with regard to access to treatment, stigma, and discrimination in health facilities and communities. With the emergence of Covid-19, the fear to screen for TB spiralled among people because of the fear of being diagnosed with Covid-19 due to the similar symptoms.

Currently, HFFG in partnership with the Ghana National TB Voice Network and the National TB with funding from STOP TB Partnership is implementing the TBImpactGH Project which is a digital tool (TBImpact GH APP) that serves as a platform for people with TB to access information on TB care and education, access to TB health services and treatment centers in proximity to the client, a channel to log complaints or difficulties in accessing TB services and treatment as well as issues of stigma, discrimination and Human Rights violations. There is also a community forum section for TB affected people to interact and provide peer support to one another.
The TBImpact GH pilot project was implemented in Greater Accra, Volta, and Central Regions where individuals were trained as TB Advocates to collect data for advocacy, they were also trained to identify cases of stigma, discrimination, and human rights violations witnessed in their interaction with persons affected with and by TB. Notable achievements from the implementation of the Pilot phase were TB clients had a safe space to report barriers experienced in accessing TB treatment and stigma. This year, the project continues with a scale up to nine (9) districts and working to achieve a target of 4,000 people, using the App.
As the world celebrates World TB Day 2023 on 24th March under the theme; ‘YES! We can End TB’ HFFG is calling for attention to TB and the needed support to end TB by 2030. The TB community is calling on Heads of States and Governments to contribute to boosting TB awareness and the needed financial support for research and development on TB tools, new TB vaccines, and new and shorter more efficient treatment regimens.
HFFG is calling on the Government of Ghana and all civil societies to come together to end TB by 2030 and save lives.
#YES! We Can End TB!!!